
Volunteer with Us ... Make a Difference!

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contact Tefany or Aaron @


Volunteer Quote Tiki 2

We rely on a strong volunteer base to provide programs, activities and services to our community. Some activities are regular and on-going while others are one-time events where you can volunteer for a few hours. 

Please note that some volunteer positions may require an interview and/or a background check. 

We provide orientation, training, and recognition. We accept volunteers ages 14 years and above depending on the activity. A volunteer application is not a guarantee of placement in a volunteer task or position unless you have confirmation of acceptance by a Parks & Recreation staff person. Want to volunteer? Fill out our volunteer waiver HERE or Contact Tefany at 859.214.4814 or Aaron at 859.214.4813! 

Benefits of Volunteering

Did you know that volunteering is actually good  for you, both mentally and physically?  Not only are you impacting someone else’s life, but it can have amazing benefits for yours too!  According to Habitat for Humanity here are some of the ways volunteering can impact your long term health: 

1. Boosts self esteem
2. Expands your connections
3. Makes you feel good
4. Contributes to a longer life
5. Gives purpose
6. Combats stress
7. Gives a good example
. Teaches new skills


With benefits like that, the question becomes, why wouldn’t you want to volunteer?!

The success for many of our programs depends on volunteers who share our same passion for people, sports, events, and recreation activities.  We believe volunteers are a vital part of achieving our goals for the community and they bring new perspectives and ideas to our staff team. The mission of the Versailles-Woodford County Parks & Recreation Department is “To provide all residents of Woodford County with recreational activities in a safe and healthy environment. To provide physical resources for residents of Woodford County to enhance their lives and to promote the physical well-being of the residents of Woodford County.”

If your mission fits ours and you have skills, talents or abilities to aid us in achieving this mission, we encourage you to complete a short volunteer interest form and our staff will get in touch with so as to plug you in where you best can utilize your skills, talents and abilities to make a difference in your community!